Smart Write, Neo’s AI email writer, can write or reply to emails in your preferred tone and length, giving you more time to focus on what matters - growing your brand.

Simply share a prompt for your message, like you’d instruct your assistant, and Smart Write will share a suited draft after analyzing the context.

How to use Smart Write

Enter your prompt

Click Smart Write or Reply with Smart Write. Share a brief outline of the email you want to send, and pick the required tone and length. Hit Generate.

Get the perfect draft

To see another suggestion for your entered prompt, click Give me another option, and Smart Write will return a new suggestion instantly.

Send the email

Once you’ve got your perfect draft, click Insert - this will insert Smart Write’s draft in the compose window. Your email is ready to go!

Perfect email for every scenario

Neo’s Smart Write AI can create the perfect email with the context you provide. Describe what you need, and Neo will draft an email that’s just right in seconds.

Apt tone and length

You can select your preferred tone and length for all your messages to fit any need and situation.

In-context replies

Tell Neo how you want to reply to an email, and it’ll take into account the original email while composing your reply.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Neo's AI email writer (Smart Write) work?

  • Click "Smart Write" in the composer window or "Reply with Smart Write" on an incoming email.
  • Share a brief outline of the message you want to send.
  • Pick the required tone and length.
  • Hit Generate.

Neo's AI email writer will gauge your requirements and return a suitable draft within seconds. If you'd like to explore more options for your prompt, you can click "Give me another option."

What languages does Neo's AI email writer support?

Neo's AI email writer supports all languages. It will respond to your prompt with an appropriate email draft per your prompt's language.

What level of customization is possible with Neo's AI email writer?

You can define your email's preferred tone and length, and Neo's AI email writer will consider that while drafting the message for you.

Will I get the output for my prompt instantly?

Smart Write will return the output for your given prompt within seconds. If you'd like to explore more options for your prompt, you can click "Give me another option."

Can Neo AI/Smart Write access my Neo Inbox?

Neo AI uses Open Al's ChatGPT API, subject to OpenAl's terms of use. Open Al does not have access to any other content in your mailbox. OpenAl can only access the prompts and email content you explicitly share with it for the purpose of email writing. OpenAl does not use this data to train models, and does not retain it for more than 30 days

Will my recipients know I used Neo's AI email writer to write the email?

Neo's AI email writer doesn't add a Neo AI watermark or signature to your emails. Your recipients will not know if you use Neo AI to draft your emails.

Can I save the email Neo's AI email writer drafted for later use?

Yes, once you have the draft in your composer window, you can go to the "Templates" tab in the composer window and select "Create a new template". This will automatically pick up the content currently in your composer, which you can save.

How many times can I try the "Give me another option" feature? (hide this for now)

You can try alternate options for your prompt if your request limit hasn't been reached. The request limit for the Business Starter plan is 5 and for the Business Premium plan is

Can Neo AI also schedule the email?

An AI email writer can help you with the writing part so you're not swamped with email writing as you try to build your brand. However, it cannot schedule the emails for you.

How accurate is Neo's AI email writer in understanding the context of the email prompt?

Neo's AI email writer uses advanced algorithms to analyze the context of the email prompt and provide a draft that aligns with the intended message. While it strives for accuracy, reviewing and editing the generated drafts as needed is important.