12 Best Meeting Scheduler Apps: Timekeepers of 2024

July 8, 2024
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July 8, 2024
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12 Best Meeting Scheduler Apps: Timekeepers of 2024

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In the age of remote work and global collaboration, efficiency in scheduling meetings has never been more crucial. Every professional, be it a sales representative, a project manager, or an event organizer, understands the difference the right scheduling tool can make. With many meeting schedulers in the market, picking the one that aligns perfectly with your needs can save you from the hassles of double bookings, time-zone miscalculations, and last-minute rescheduling.

What is a Meeting Scheduler?

A meeting scheduler is a digital tool designed to automate the scheduling of meetings and appointments. Gone are the days when one had to manually check everyone's availability, juggle multiple calendar apps, or face the embarrassment of a forgotten meeting. Today's meeting schedulers do more than remind you of an appointment.

Centralized System - All your appointments, whether personal or professional, are in one place. This makes it easy to avoid overcommitment or overlapping bookings.
Time Zone Compatibility - For businesses and teams spread across the globe, the tool automatically adjusts meeting times according to each participant's local time zone.
Automation - Some advanced schedulers allow attendees to pick a slot from their available times, ensuring meetings are booked without the back-and-forth emails.

Key Features to Look for in a Meeting Scheduler

While the fundamental purpose of all meeting schedulers is the same, what differentiates the best from the rest are their features:

User-friendly Interface: The best tools are intuitive and don't require hours of training. You are all set to schedule your meetings within a few clicks
Time Zone Compatibility: A scheduler automatically adjusting to participants' time zones is indispensable in the modern global workspace—no more mental gymnastics or conversion errors.
Mobile Accessibility: You are on the go, and so should be your scheduler. Being able to set, check, or reschedule meetings from your mobile device is not a luxury; it is a necessity.
Integration Capabilities: Whether it's Google Calendar, Outlook, or any other platform, your meeting scheduler should effortlessly sync with any of these. Plus, the added advantage of email integration ensures timely reminders and updates.
Customization Options: Every business is unique. A meeting scheduler that allows customization in terms of branding or specific functionalities can significantly enhance user experience.

The Role of Meeting Schedulers for Different Business Scenarios

In recent times, the functionality of meeting schedulers has expanded to incorporate a diverse range of business settings, resulting in high productivity and improving the overall client experience. Let us see what role a meeting scheduler has for different business scenarios. 

Boosting Sales: Sales teams know the significance of timely follow-ups. Efficiently scheduled demos or sales calls can distinguish between lost opportunities and closed deals.
Consulting Sessions: Professionals, be they management consultants, lawyers, or therapists, can optimize their client meetings. Clients get the freedom to book sessions based on their convenience.
Healthcare Appointments: Medical practitioners, from general physicians to specialists, can streamline patient appointments, ensuring timely consultations and efficient clinic management.
Home Services: Professionals in landscaping, cleaning, plumbing, or any home service can provide customers with a scheduler link, allowing them to pick a suitable time for appointments or service slots. This avoids the hassle of miscommunication and ensures better service delivery.
Beauty and Personal Care Services: Salons, spas, and personal care service providers can utilize schedulers to let clients book their preferred slots, ensuring steady clientele and efficient staff allocation.
Improving Customer Support: In a digital age, customers appreciate being able to schedule support sessions at their convenience, bypassing long wait times on calls.
Project Management: Cross-functional teams can smoothly coordinate with members across different time zones, ensuring project milestones are met on time.
Internal Team Coordination: Whether it's regular team check-ins, training sessions, or spontaneous brainstorming sessions, schedulers make these internal alignments hassle-free.
Event Management: Organizing workshops, speaker sessions, or large-scale events requires meticulous timing. Schedulers can seamlessly manage participant slots and send reminders.
The integration of a meeting scheduler into various business models has seen a significant impact on operational efficiency, as well as customer and client satisfaction.

The Importance of Email Integration

A meeting scheduler's integration with email platforms amplifies efficiency.

Immediate Notifications: As soon as a meeting is scheduled, an email notification ensures participants are informed instantly.
Reminders: Automated email reminders can significantly reduce no-show rates. Participants are nudged to be ready sometime before the call.
Easy Rescheduling: Change of plans? No problem. An integrated system will help reschedule and notify all participants via email about the change. Furthermore, synchronization with meeting schedulers becomes powerful for businesses using specialized email products like Neo. It ensures seamless scheduling, timely reminders, and efficient follow-ups, leading to a streamlined communication ecosystem.

Now that you know the significance and characteristics of meeting scheduling applications, let's explore the leading apps in this domain.

10 Best Meeting Scheduler Apps: Timekeepers of 2024

1. Neo Bookings

With Neo, booking appointments has become easier. Simply share your availability, eliminate lengthy email exchanges, and allow clients to book slots that work best for you.

Say goodbye to double bookings and stay organized with Neo's intuitive integration, which seamlessly unifies your email and calendar. Every appointment will slot into your routine without any complex setup.

Cost - Part of the Neo Email Plan starts at $1.99.
Pros - Reasonable cost. Other email and calendar-related features included in the package.
Cons - Considerably a new service.

2. Calendly

Calendly offers a clean interface and a simple scheduling process. It integrates effortlessly with most calendar apps and has various customization features, making it a top choice for professionals across industries.

Cost - Premium at $8/month per user. Pro at $12/month per user.
Free Trial - The basic version is always free.
Pros - Easy integration with most calendars, Sleek UI/UX, Time zone detection for users.
Cons - Limited features in the free version and can be expensive for large teams.

3. Zoho Bookings

Designed as a part of the Zoho suite of business apps, Zoho Bookings integrates well with other Zoho products and provides versatile scheduling options suitable for individuals, teams, and businesses.

Cost - They offer a free plan with basic features. The Basic plan starts at $10 per user/month. The Professional plan is priced at $20 per user/month.
Free Trial - Yes, available for the premium plans.
Pros - Integration with other Zoho products and popular calendars, Customizable booking pages, Automated reminders and notifications, Time zone synchronization for global scheduling.
Cons - It might have a learning curve, especially for those new to the Zoho ecosystem and the full range of features might be more than some smaller businesses or individuals need.

4. Doodle

With its unique poll feature, Doodle allows participants to vote on the best times, making finding a common slot for everyone easier. It is convenient for large group meetings or events.

Cost - Starting at $6.95/month for the Pro version.
Free Trial - Yes, for premium features.
Pros - Poll feature for multiple time slots and can be used without signing up.
Cons - The free version has ads.

5. ScheduleOnce (by OnceHub)

This powerful scheduler integrates with major online calendars and also offers features like booking with approval and automatic time zone detection. It is particularly suited for businesses with complex scheduling needs.

Cost - Starting at $9/month for a solo user.
Free Trial - Yes.
Pros - Integration with multiple calendar services and Robust feature set for businesses.
Cons - It can have a steeper learning curve.

6. Acuity Scheduling

Beyond its core scheduling features, Acuity supports seamless payments, offering businesses an option to charge for appointments or services during the booking process.

Cost - Starting at $14/month.
Free Trial - Yes.
Pros - Customizable branding, Time zone conversion, Integration with popular apps.
Cons - Less intuitive interface compared to competitor

7. Microsoft Bookings

Part of the Microsoft Office suite, this tool is integrated with Outlook and allows businesses to publish their available slots, letting clients easily schedule appointments.

Cost - Part of Microsoft 365 Business subscription.
Free Trial - With Microsoft 365 trial.
Pros - Integration with Microsoft suite and Good for businesses already using Microsoft 365.
Cons - Less customizable than standalone solutions.

8. Chili Piper

A tool primarily geared towards sales teams, Chili Piper helps automate the meeting scheduling process post-demo or sales inquiry, ensuring leads are engaged promptly.

Cost - Starting from $15
Free Trial - Yes
Pros - Sales-focused features and Integration with CRM systems.
Cons - It is more tailored for sales teams, so it might not fit other needs as precisely.

9. YouCanBook.me

This tool offers a straightforward booking process focusing on simplicity. It is perfect for those who want a no-frills, effective scheduling solution.

Cost - Starting at $10/month.
Free Trial - Limited free version available.
Pros - Simple interface and Customizable booking forms.
Cons - Fewer integrations than some competitors.

10. Arrangr

Known for its "Intelligent" scheduling feature, Arrangr can find the best time to meet without the back-and-forth, making the process more efficient.

Cost - A free tier and other premium tiers (starts at $3.99).
Free Trial - The basic version is free.
Pros - Simplified scheduling and Integrates with other platforms.
Cons - It is less well-known so it might have fewer features or integrations.

11. SimplyBook.me

SimplyBook.me provides a versatile booking system suitable for a wide range of service-based businesses. It offers an extensive array of features, including custom forms, membership management, and a built-in POS system.

Cost - Basic at $9.90/month, Standard at $29.90/month, and Premium at $59.90/month.
Free Trial - A 14-day free trial is available.
Pros - Highly customizable, supports multiple languages and currencies, integrates with popular payment gateways.
Cons - The interface can be overwhelming for new users, and the cost escalates with add-ons.

12. Setmore

Setmore offers a straightforward and intuitive online appointment scheduling tool, ideal for small businesses. It supports appointments through social media platforms and provides a simple, no-frills booking experience.

Cost - Free for up to 4 users. Premium at $12/user/month.
Free Trial - Offers a free version with basic features.
Pros - User-friendly interface, free version available, integrates with social media and other platforms.
Cons - Limited customization in the free version, premium features can be costly for larger teams.

Tips for Maximizing the Use of Meeting Schedulers

Regularly Update Availability: Ensure your availability slots are up-to-date, preventing last-minute juggling or over bookings.
Sync with Personal and Work Calendars: This gives a comprehensive view of your schedule, ensuring no overlaps between professional and personal commitments.
Use Email Reminders: Maximize the email reminder feature to reduce no-shows. This is where an integrated system, like Neo, can enhance the scheduler's efficiency.

Challenges While Using Meeting Schedulers and Solutions

Navigating the intricacies of scheduling can often present unforeseen challenges. For instance, last-minute changes are a common hurdle. It is common for unexpected events to disrupt planned meetings. However, one can mitigate the impact of such disruptions by utilizing tools that facilitate effortless rescheduling and instant notifications to all participants, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Another challenge arises when trying to coordinate with large groups. Finding a mutual time slot that aligns with everyone's availability can seem daunting. In such scenarios, platforms like Doodle become invaluable with polling features, making the task more manageable. 

As we move further into the digital age, the importance of data privacy cannot be overstated. Selecting a tool that adheres to standards such as GDPR or other stringent data protection regulations is imperative when choosing a scheduling tool. Moreover, robust encryption ensures that personal and professional data remains uncompromised.


In the evolving business landscape, having the right tools is necessary. With their wide range of features, meeting schedulers cater to diverse needs, making professional lives simpler and more organized. And while the tools themselves are indispensable, their seamless integration with business email platforms like Neo amplifies their efficiency. Adopting and adapting to such tools is imperative for growth as we move forward.

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