Delete / Cancel Outlook Account in 2024 in 2 Minutes

January 15, 2024
11 Minutes
Modified on:
January 15, 2024
Written by:
Swati Bucha
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Delete / Cancel Outlook Account in 2024 in 2 Minutes

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In the digital age, email accounts are more than just a means to communicate; they are digital identities, holders of personal data, and gateways to various online services. Among these, Outlook by Microsoft is a prominent figure entrusted by millions for personal and professional correspondence. But there comes a time when some users consider the option to delete their Outlook accounts – a decision that could stem from the desire for a fresh start, privacy concerns, or a simple need to declutter digital life. This guide is meticulously crafted to assist you, whether a long-time user or a business administrator, through the intricate process of deleting an Outlook account, ensuring you understand the ramifications and steps involved in this significant decision.

Understanding Outlook and Its Services is not just an email service; it's a portal to an array of Microsoft's online services, from OneDrive for storage to Office Online for productivity and even Skype for communication. An Outlook account is your passport to this integrated ecosystem, and its deletion has implications that ripple across all these connected services. Before you take the step to sever ties with Outlook, it's crucial to recognize the breadth of its reach – losing access to your email also means losing access to documents, contacts, and more. It's a step that should not be taken lightly or without thorough preparation.

Reasons for Deleting an Outlook Account

Many roads lead to deleting an Outlook account. Privacy-conscious individuals may wish to reduce their online footprint. Some users migrate to different platforms that promise better features or a more aligned user experience with their needs. Others find themselves consolidating multiple accounts to simplify their digital presence, while a few must close accounts of those who have passed away. Despite the varied reasons, the common thread is the need for a controlled and informed approach to the deletion process.

How to Delete / Cancel Outlook Account in 2024 in 2 Minutes

Preparing to Delete Your Outlook Account

Step 1: Backing Up Your Data

Your Outlook account likely contains years of important communications, valuable contacts, and scheduled events. Begin by exporting your emails, saving your contacts, and downloading calendar items. Microsoft provides tools for each of these, allowing you to keep a local copy or migrate them to another service provider. It's a safeguarding step, ensuring you can access your vital information after the account is gone.

Step 2: Settling Subscriptions and Balances

An Outlook account often comes with strings attached – subscriptions to Microsoft services like Office 365, additional OneDrive space, or recurring Skype credits. Review these subscriptions and decide whether to transfer them to a new account or discontinue them. Also, check for any credits or balances you want to redeem. Neglecting this step could lead to financial loose ends or service interruptions.

The Deletion Process

Step 3: Starting the Account Deletion Process

The journey to delete your Outlook account begins at the Microsoft account settings page. Here, you'll find a section dedicated to account closure, where Microsoft will walk you through the initial steps. It's a process designed to be straightforward, but it’s layered with checks to prevent accidental loss of access.

Step 4: Verifying Account Ownership

As a protective measure, Microsoft requires verification to ensure that the request to delete the account is legitimate. This may involve receiving a security code via email or SMS, answering security questions, or providing additional proof of identity. It's a crucial step to prevent unauthorized account deletions.

Step 5: Confirming the Deletion

After verification, you'll be asked to review the consequences of deleting your account. Microsoft will present a checklist to ensure you have considered all important factors. Once you confirm, a waiting period is set – typically 60 days – during which you can reverse the decision. After this period, the account and all associated data will be irretrievably deleted.

Step 6: Understanding the Waiting Period

Microsoft's waiting period before final deletion serves as a safety net for you to recover your account if you change your mind or delete it in error. During this time, your account is essentially in limbo – it exists, but you cannot use it to access Microsoft services. This is the time to ensure that you have no regrets, that all your data is backed up, and that no services or websites are linked to your Outlook account.

Step 7: Final Checks and Account Closure

As you confirm the deletion, Microsoft will run a final check to ensure no active subscriptions or unresolved balances remain. If everything is clear, you'll be guided through a series of confirmations where you'll acknowledge the permanent nature of your decision. After you've passed this point, the closure process is out of your hands, and the countdown begins until your account is permanently closed.

After Deleting Your Outlook Account

Once the waiting period passes and your account is deleted, you will lose access to all emails, contacts, and calendar information associated with your account. Any subscriptions or services linked to this account will also be inaccessible. If you've used your Outlook email as a recovery option for other accounts, update those before finalizing the deletion. It’s important to notify contacts of your change in email address so they don't continue sending messages to an account that no longer exists.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

During the account deletion process, you may encounter issues such as not receiving the verification code, forgetting your password, or being unable to log in. For each of these, Microsoft provides solutions:

- If you don't receive the verification code, check your spam or junk folder or send it to an alternative email or phone number linked to your account.

- If you've forgotten your password, use the password recovery options to reset it.

- If you can't log in, ensure you’re using the correct account details and that your account hasn’t already been closed or compromised.

Alternatives to Account Deletion

Before you delete your account, consider alternatives:

- Deactivation: Instead of deletion, you can deactivate your account temporarily. This way, you retain the option to return to your account later.

- Email Forwarding: If you're switching to a new email provider, you can set up email forwarding from your Outlook account to continue receiving emails sent to your old address.

- Alias Removal: If you want to stop using a particular email alias but keep your Microsoft account, you can remove just the alias instead of the entire account.

When selecting an email service provider, many users weigh the benefits of newer platforms against established ones. Neo stands out as a modern alternative to Outlook, particularly for those prioritizing cost-effectiveness, ease of setup, and additional features.

Comparison with Neo

Below is a table that elucidates why Neo might be preferred over Outlook for specific users.

Feature Outlook Neo
Pricing Various plans, can be pricey for premium features Often more affordable with a straightforward pricing structure
Ease of Setup Requires several steps and verification processes Known for user-friendly and quick setup processes
Domain Creation Requires own domain or purchase through Microsoft Allows direct domain creation within the service
User Interface Classic, feature-rich but can be cluttered Streamlined and modern, often praised for simplicity
Integration Extensive with Microsoft products May offer broader integration with non-Microsoft products
Collaboration Tools Integrates with Microsoft Teams and Office suite May include unique collaborative features not found in Outlook
Customer Support Tiered support based on subscription level Known for more personalized customer support
Security Features Standard security with advanced options for higher plans May offer innovative security features as a standard
Storage Options Basic storage with paid upgrades Competitive storage offerings, often with more space at lower tiers
Mobile App Experience Robust but complex due to multiple features Simplified and intuitive, focusing on core functionalities

Neo's advantages over Outlook include potentially lower costs, a more straightforward setup, and the option to create a domain directly through its service. Its interface and customer support are designed with modern users in mind, offering a less complex, more intuitive experience. However, Outlook remains a strong contender for those deeply embedded in the Microsoft ecosystem who need extensive collaboration tools and integrations with Office products. The decision between Neo and Outlook will ultimately depend on individual or organizational priorities and the specific features most critical to the user's needs.

Also learn the process to create the outlook account. And in case you have deleted the Outlook, you van checkout a few outlook replacements which can serve your purpose.


Managing our digital accounts is as important as managing other aspects of our lives. The decision to delete an Outlook account is significant, with far-reaching implications. Throughout this guide, we've navigated the careful considerations and steps necessary for such a process, emphasizing the importance of backing up data, understanding service connections, and the irreversible nature of account deletion.

As you manage your digital presence, remember that each online account is a repository of your personal history, interactions, and identity. Handling these digital assets responsibly ensures not only your privacy and security online but also a smooth transition when the time comes to move on from a service. Whether you choose to delete your account or opt for an alternative solution, doing so with careful thought and preparation is paramount.

Certainly! Below is a set of FAQs based on your queries, with answers and additional suggestions for each:

FAQs on Managing and Canceling Outlook Services

Q: How can I cancel my Outlook domain purchased through Microsoft?

A: To cancel your domain purchased through Outlook:

   1. Sign in to the Microsoft 365 admin center.

   2. Navigate to the 'Setup' section, then select 'Domains.'

   3. Choose the domain you want to cancel and select 'Cancel domain.'

   4. Follow the prompts to complete the cancellation process.

Suggestion: Ensure you transfer any needed services or email addresses associated with this domain before canceling.

Q: What are the steps to cancel an Outlook trial?

A: If you're on an Outlook or Microsoft 365 trial, you can cancel it by

   1. Logging into your Microsoft account.

   2. Go to the 'Services & subscriptions' tab.

   3. Finding the trial subscription and selecting 'Manage

   4. Click 'Cancel' or 'Upgrade' to continue with a full subscription.

Suggestion: Remember to back up any data you want to keep before canceling your trial, as you may lose access to emails and files.

Q: How do I cancel an Outlook plan?

A: To cancel your Outlook or Microsoft 365 plan:

   1. Visit the Microsoft 365 admin center and sign in.

   2. Go to 'Billing' > 'Your products,' then select the subscription you want to cancel.

   3. Click 'Settings & Actions' and select 'Cancel subscription.'

Suggestion: Review the impact on your services and users before canceling.

Q: Can I cancel an Outlook free trial before it charges me?

A: You can cancel the free trial by following these steps:

   1. Sign in to your Microsoft account's 'Services & subscriptions' page.

   2. Find your trial subscription and click 'Manage.'

   3. Choose 'Cancel' to end the trial.

Suggestion: Set a reminder for yourself a few days before the trial ends to avoid being charged.

Q: How do I cancel my Outlook account completely?

To close your email account:

   1. Go to the 'Close your account' page.

   2. Sign in with the account you want to close and follow the instructions.

Suggestion: Be aware that this action will also close your Microsoft account and all associated services.

Q: What is the process to cancel the Outlook Business Starter plan?

A: Canceling the Business Starter plan involves:

   1. Logging into the Microsoft 365 admin center.

   2. Navigate to 'Billing' and select 'Subscriptions.'

   3. Choosing your Business Starter plan and clicking 'Cancel subscription

 Suggestion: Consider downgrading to a different plan if you need basic services at a lower cost.

Q: How do I cancel an Outlook individual plan?

A: If you're on an individual plan:

   1. Access your account through the Microsoft admin center.

   2. Select 'Billing' > 'Subscriptions.'

   3. Find your plan and click 'Cancel' or 'Change' to adjust your plan.

 Suggestion: If you need clarification on canceling, you can change your plan to a different tier that may be more affordable or better suited to your needs.

Additional Suggestions

- Check for Autorenewal: Before canceling any plan, ensure that you turn off auto-renewal settings to prevent future charges.

- Review Data Retention Policies: Understand how long Microsoft retains data after cancellation. You may need to take action if you want data deleted sooner.

- Consider Impact on Collaboration: If you use Outlook for collaborative work, ensure that your team members are prepared for the change and have alternative means of communication and collaboration set up.


Outlook continuously evolves, with frequent features and administrative process updates. The information provided in this blog is intended for general guidance and may reflect something other than the most recent changes. We strongly recommend consulting the official Outlook documentation or contacting Outlook support for the latest information and detailed instructions before proceeding with any account changes or cancellations. This will ensure that your decisions are well-informed and aligned with current practices.

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