Best Email Servers Providers: Guide for 2024

October 22, 2024
13 Minutes
Modified on:
October 22, 2024
Written by:
Swati Bucha
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Best Email Servers Providers: Guide for 2024

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Email servers are essential to contemporary corporate operations because they allow continuous communication between parties. Considering how quickly the 21st-century digital world is developing, email is essential for business communication, information exchange, and decision-making. Email servers provide us with the assurance of secure and dependable information transmission along with digital communication.

Organizations of all sizes use email for daily operations, communication with partners and customers, and transmitting important information to employees. Shared and well-documented email communication strengthens professional relationships, expedites work, and increases productivity and organizational success. A business must comprehend its intricacy and capabilities to benefit from the best email servers.

An email server is a computer that sends and receives emails, and a series of email servers are required to ensure one email reaches its intended destination. The process is lightning-fast, but complex and intricate protocols are behind it for quick communication. Let's learn more about email servers for businesses! 

How Does an Email Server Work?

An email server collects and distributes emails to their intended destinations, like an electronic post office for email. For a computer to work as an email server, it must have mail server software installed. This software allows the system administrator to manage and create email accounts for any domains hosted on the server. 

Now, different protocols control the transfer of emails within a network. These protocols are networking software rules that connect computers everywhere, making accessing browsers and sending emails easy. Let's learn about the protocols used in email communication: 

  1. SMTP 

The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) controls the outgoing mail requests and sends emails. It is an outgoing mail server, and your emails can't go anywhere without it. This protocol is responsible for moving your email on and across different networks. 

  1. POP3/IMAP

POP3 and IMAP are two different protocols for incoming mail servers. Both are required to access email. Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) fetches the content of your inbox from the computer's drive. It works by connecting with your email service and downloading your messages. Once the messages are downloaded, they are deleted from the email service and can only be accessed from the same computer. 

Meanwhile, Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) allows you to access email anywhere and from any device. When using IMAP, you are not downloading the email message on the device but reading directly from the email service. Messages are not downloaded automatically; they are only downloaded in your system once you click on them. 

Benefits of Having a Robust Email Server

Let's look at the benefits of having a robust email server for businesses: 

1. Custom Domain

Custom domain email addresses like demonstrate professionalism and corporate authenticity. Integrating the organization's brand identity across digital platforms makes it easier for partners and clients to recognize it. Creating and managing custom email addresses is simple with the best email server solution. 

2. Enhanced Security

Email servers safeguard sensitive information. Data security is critical in the banking, government, and business sectors. The best email server can safeguard your correspondence with robust encryption, anti-spam measures, and restricted access. 

3. Increased Storage Capacity 

The best email server solutions provide far more storage space than free email services. This feature allows businesses to safely save and archive important emails, attachments, and documents without worrying about storage capacity, allowing users to quickly locate the information they need. 

4. Customization

Businesses may personalize their email stream with the best email server option. Spam filters can be set up to distribute emails with specified patterns or prohibit communications from certain places. This adjustment increases productivity and optimizes email communication. 

5. Data Privacy and Control

You have total control over your email data and can stop third parties from accessing it when you have your own best email server. Businesses that handle sensitive data must guarantee privacy and control to uphold stringent secrecy.

6. Offline Operation

Businesses can continue operating and using email services even without an internet connection if they have their own personal best email server. This functionality is critical for maintaining company continuity and communication when internet connection is limited or interrupted. 

7. Cost-Effective

Email servers enable businesses to send large amounts of communications at a lower cost than they would with more conventional forms of communication, such as snail mail or faxes. Businesses may significantly reduce their operating expenses and improve their communication operations over the long run by using the finest email server solution.

Choosing the Right Email Server for Your Business

Here are some factors to consider while choosing the best email server for your business: 

1. Size of Your Business

The features you want for email hosting depend on the size of your business. Larger businesses may choose a more straightforward solution, but smaller businesses may want more features and expansion potential. Neo, a dependable platform with an intuitive UI, supports the expansion of small enterprises. 

2. Security

Sensitive information that only the recipient can see is frequently included in business messages. Email security breaches may lead to financial loss, unauthorized access, and data compromise. To protect sensitive information, choose an email server with strong security measures. Access controls, encryption, and sophisticated spam filters are required. 

3. Administration and Operation

The best email servers give companies complete control over their email infrastructures and offer 24/7 phone, email, and chat support. This guarantees prompt problem-solving, minimizes downtime, and guarantees uninterrupted operations. 

4. Flexibility and Compatibility

Enterprise-level email synchronization across several devices is necessary for accessing emails through mobile phones. The robust Neo platform provides personalized email addresses, email campaign management, priority inbox, read receipts, and other features. Besides, it even offers AI assistance to compose emails as required. This platform guarantees small businesses' adaptability while enhancing brand image. 

5. Optimum Storage and Archiving Functions

Seeing the iconic "mailbox full" notice every day is an annoyance for many business customers. Consider the finest email servers' storage and archiving capacities to meet your company's growing communication needs. 

6. Service Availability

Make sure the email server you use is stable and has few outages. Regular service outages can significantly impact a company's communication and operations. To ensure that your email services are always available, look for providers with a strong reputation for being constantly available and dependable. 

Best Email Server Providers for All Businesses

Let's look at some of the best email servers that offer seamless email communication with a variety of features and minimum outages: 

1. Neo

Neo is an email service provider that offers custom business email addresses. Strong features and a personalized email address are just a few of the platform's many advantages, which help small companies build their brands. Neo's intuitive interface, developed via considerable user input and research, is easy to use, and its dependability guarantees that your company will expand seamlessly.


  • Provides strong functionalities such as Neo Bookings, Smart Write (Neo AI), Email Campaigns, Read Receipts, and Signature Designer
  • It offers more sophisticated features, including email templates, priority inboxes, follow-up reminders, and more.
  • It has an easy-to-use interface designed specifically for small enterprises.
  • It is a dependable platform built for smooth company expansion and scalability.


  • It is less customizable than enterprise-level solutions.

2. Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 satisfies your security and user productivity needs. Powerful cloud services, Office applications, and security are included.


  • A whole suite of programs that includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and more
  • It offers robust security measures and adherence to industry norms.
  • Its interface is easy to use and integrates well with other Microsoft products.
  • It offers real-time co-authoring skills and effective tools for cooperation.


  • Configuration may be a complicated procedure, particularly for bigger companies.
  • Prices may be higher than some alternatives, especially for small firms.

3. Google Workspace

Google Workspace is a collection of cloud computing, productivity, and collaboration tools. It includes Drive for storage, Google Docs Editors for content creation, Currents for staff engagement, Gmail, Contacts, Calendar, Meet, and Chat for communication.


  • Teamwork and productivity are increased via real-time editing and sharing.
  • It provides reasonable pricing options for companies of all sizes.
  • It uses encryption and robust security measures to safeguard data.
  • It offers a feature-rich administrative panel for simple administration and control.


  • Data gathering and targeted advertising have given rise to privacy issues.
  • Restricted ability to customize and integrate with external apps

4. Zoho Workplace

A centralized workspace such as Zoho Workplace simplifies file storage and team collaboration. It offers safe corporate email hosting, a customizable email client, POP/IMAP access, a calendar, and other features.


  • It is an integrated set of Zoho applications for teamwork and productivity.
  • It permits the administration of numerous accounts and custom domain email addresses.
  • The application provides plenty of storage, sophisticated email rules and filters, and collaboration features.
  • It offers a user-friendly layout, an ad-free experience, and mobile accessibility.
  • It uses strong privacy and security safeguards, email backups, and email restoration.
  • It has outstanding client service and smooth transfer possibilities.


  • Zoho Mail's setup features may not be intuitive for some users. 
  • Limited compatibility with services and apps that are not Zoho

5. IceWarp

IceWarp Mail Server offers email, messaging, and collaboration for businesses of all sizes. It unifies all collaboration and communication functionalities into a single application.


  • It offers a complete office suite with calendar, email, and collaboration features.
  • It provides two-factor authentication and HIPAA compliance for increased security.
  • It utilizes well-known security technologies to defend the back end. 


  • Products from IceWarp may not work well with other email or productivity programs.
  • It is not as capable of integration and robust third-party support as bigger suppliers.

How to Set up Your Email Server?

Let's look at how you can set up your email server: 

Step 1. Update System. 

Before setting up an email server, ensure your PC has the latest software. Constantly conducting system updates and upgrades increases security and ensures compatibility with new software. This step prepares for a reliable and efficient email server implementation. 

Step 2. Choose the Right Mail Server Software. 

The Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) and Mail Delivery Agent (MDA) you pick will significantly affect the performance of your email server. SendMail, Postfix, and Exim are popular Linux MTAs, whereas Dovecot and Cyrus are MDAs. To choose the right software, consider user quantity, security, and scalability.

Step 3. Configure DNS Records. 

Email transmission across your domain needs Mail Exchanger and DomainKeys Identified Mail DNS records. These records authenticate and route emails to avoid spoofing and increase delivery. Many of these papers may be created when establishing the domain's cPanel account, simplifying setup. 

Step 4. Implement Email Authentication Methods

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is suggested for email reliability and spoofing prevention. Cryptographic verification of email sources in DKIM reduces phishing and enhances email delivery.

Step 5. Setup Server Alerts

Check your email server's health to maintain reliable communication. Server alarms may alert you to disk space, security, and service disruptions. A proactive approach promptly resolves issues and reduces operational interruptions to maintain firm continuity.

Step 6. Configure Email Forwarding

For efficient email communication, email forwarding must be configured appropriately. Email forwarding may improve productivity and email management by delivering messages to specific recipients, departments, or external channels. 

Step 7. Manage Mailing Lists

Businesses that use email marketing or communicate with large recipient groups need effective mailing list management. Use tools to organize mailing lists, segment your audience, and track interaction. This will optimize communication and ensure emails reach their intended recipients. 

Step 8. Implement Security Features

Email server security should come first. Encrypt emails using Transport Layer Security to protect data. Spam filters and antivirus software protect your email server from viruses and unwanted emails.

Maintaining an Email Server

Here's how you can maintain your email server to ensure it performs at its fullest potential: 

1. Regular System Updates

Maintaining a safe and effective email server requires system updates. Regular updates include security patches, performance improvements, and bug fixes. Set up a routine to check for and install updates for your operating system, email server software, and other applications and services.

2. Monitor Hard Drive Usage

Over time, email servers generate many log files, old emails, and outdated software packages, which can quickly consume disk space. To avoid storage concerns, check your servers' hard disk utilization often. If old log files are needed for compliance or troubleshooting, archive them to external storage or use log rotation rules to save disk space.

3. Implement Strong Password Policies

Strong password policies are essential for email server security. Complex passwords should include symbols, numerals, uppercase, and lowercase characters. Additionally, update passwords often and avoid using the same password for several accounts or systems. Use password policies that follow these best practices to secure your email server.

4. Two-factor authentication (2FA)

Two-factor authentication provides additional protection over passwords. Even if the main password is hacked, 2FA minimizes the danger of unwanted access by requiring a one-time code from a mobile app or hardware token. All administrative accounts should utilize 2FA, and users should activate it for email.

5. Email Authentication

Email authentication systems safeguard email conversations. Sender Policy Framework (SPF), DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), and Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) are set up. 

SPF checks for permitted servers, DKIM cryptographically signs outgoing emails to avoid spoofing, and DMARC enforces authentication failure criteria. These procedures preserve your domain's reputation and boost email delivery.


In the digital age, every business needs a reliable email server. Ensure reliable and secure email communication to boost collaboration, efficiency, and growth. When choosing an email server, consider security, scalability, customization, and interoperability with current systems. 

Businesses may improve communication, brand image, and competitiveness by carefully assessing these key criteria and partnering with a reputable source like Neo. Neo's email platform, tailored to small enterprises' specific requirements, provides a reputable email address, an intuitive interface, and robust functionalities. Start a free trial today! 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is an email server, and why do companies need it? 

An email server sends, receives, and stores emails. Businesses need dependable and secure email communication for collaboration, productivity, and professional relationships with clients and partners. 

2. How can a strong email server help my business? 

A strong email server may improve communication, collaboration, data protection and security, scalability and flexibility, productivity and efficiency, and corporate development.

3. Why should I consider Neo's email hosting services? 

Neo's email platform for small companies includes a professional email address, a simple UI, and sophisticated capabilities like Email Campaigns, Smart Write (Neo AI), Neo Bookings, and more. Neo provides a customized, scalable solution for your organization.

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